Compacts and amendments: Nisqually Indian Tribe

Learn about the gaming compacts and compact amendments WSGC has negotiated with the Nisqually Indian Tribe.

Original Compact

Governor Lowry signed the original Nisqually Tribal Gaming Compact on 05/25/1995.

Governor Inslee signed the current, restated Nisqually Tribal Gaming Compact (PDF, 12MB) including the Sports Wagering Appendix (“Appendix S”) (PDF, 1MB) on 05/18/2022.

Current Amendments

4th amendment (PDF, 12MB)

Signed 05/18/2022, this amendment restates the Compact and supersedes the 1st through 3rd amendments.

5th amendment: Appendix G (PDF, 538kb)

Signed 08/02/2023, this amendment deals with electronic table games.

Past Amendments

The 4th amendment supersedes past amendments.

  • 1st amendment, signed 02/12/1999
  • 2nd amendment, signed 03/30/2007
  • 3rd amendment, signed 04/08/2015