About the Washington State Gambling Commission

Learn how the Washington State Gambling Commission fulfills our mission to keep gambling legal and honest and how our agency has grown since its founding.

Our mission

Protect the Public by Ensuring that Gambling is Legal and Honest.

Our values

We Value Integrity, Professionalism, Respect and Diversity.

Our vision

We will maintain public confidence by:

  • Conducting a fair and effective gambling regulatory and enforcement program.
  • Investigating illegal activities.
  • Building positive partnerships and relationships.
  • Providing a workplace that allows employees to excel at their jobs.
  • Anticipating and responding to the evolving gambling industry.

An accredited, limited-jurisdiction law enforcement agency

We are an accredited, limited-jurisdiction law enforcement agency and the only statewide agency devoted to gambling licensing, regulation, and enforcement.

Through collaboration with local, state, federal, tribal and international law enforcement agencies, we work to fulfill our legislative declaration of keeping the criminal element out of gambling, and promoting social welfare through strict regulation and control.

Our special agents are commissioned law enforcement officers who attend the Basic Law Enforcement Academy and receive the same training as other police officers. Many agents are certified fraud examiners and some are certified public accountants.

State Laws concerning gambling can be found under RCW Chapter 9.46.

State rules concerning gambling can be found under WAC Title 230.

Five commissioners, four ex-officio members

The Commission is composed of 5 commissioners appointed by the Governor to six-year terms. The Commission holds regular public meetings, makes policy and budget decisions and takes action on administrative matters. Additionally, 4 members of the Legislature serve as ex-officio members and vote to approve or amend tribal-state Class III gaming compacts. They play an important liaison role between the commission and the Legislature.